What is your dress code?
At South Potomac Church, we dress casually. You may see someone in a suit and you may see someone in a sweater and denim. Whatever the attire, we desire to clothe ourselves with a sense of reverence unto God. So come as you are!
What time should I arrive for service?
Service begins at 10:00 a.m., so arriving at 9:40 will give you enough time to be welcomed by our team of greeters, use the restrooms, visit and check in your children in our Children's Ministry areas and most importantly, allow yourself time to prepare your heart and mind for a wonderful worship experience.
What programming is available to children?
We have an amazing Children's Ministry, Grow Zone, that is staffed by a loving team who will welcome you and your children with open arms. We also have an inspiring Youth Ministry, Roots, who is also staffed by a team excited to walk alongside your teen in their faith walk. Both ministries are up and running on Sunday mornings.
How do I become a member of SPC?
After you have attended South Potomac Church for awhile and you feel that tug on your heart to make SPC your home, the first step is to let us know! Each Sunday, we include in our bulletin, a connection card. On that card, check the box that says "I want to make SPC my home." We will be in touch with you so that you can begin the awesome journey of growing in your faith and connecting with other believers at SPC.
Do you have mid-week Bible Studies or Small groups?
We believe in not only corporately worshiping together on Sunday mornings, but we also believe in the beauty of community. We have Bible studies for men, women, and church-wide studies. We also have many community groups that meet throughout the week and share in a time of fellowship and Bible study. These groups usually meet in homes throughout the county. If you are interested, contact the church office and we will get you connected.
How do I get involved?
Being involved here at SPC will foster relationships and those relationships draw you closer to Christ, as we believe that iron sharpens iron. We have many ministries that could use the gifts and talents that God has given you to serve His people. Visit the ministry table in the lobby after church to see what's happening or contact the church office.
How can I request a meeting with the pastor?
You can call the church office, visit the church or email Pastor Sadiqq Abdullah at sadiqq.abdullah@southpotomac.org.