SPC at a Glance!

Located in Southern Maryland, South Potomac Church is a non-denominational ministry that strives to live out the Biblical command to love God, and each other. Each week we gather to encourage one another in the Christian life, learn from the Bible and serve one another in love.


We invite you to discover who God is and the purpose He has for you in His story. We believe that gathering together on Sunday mornings should be a time where people of all backgrounds can experience a God who is real and relevant in their lives today. 


If you came to know Jesus as your Savior at an early age, you are welcome here. If you are new to the faith, you are welcome here. If you are not sure you believe in Him at all, you are welcome here. No matter where you are on the road to faith, we want to walk alongside you. Our hope is that as you join us on this journey, you will discover a Savior who is active, alive and at work in your life.